The decision was made, apparently, by President Johnson himself, that an all-out effort must be made not only to prevent a counter-coup and insurgency in the short run in Brazil, but also to build up their security forces as fast and effectively as possible for the long run.
Inside the Company : CIA Diary - Philip Agee
Raborn had been CIA director for less than a week when President Johnson elected to dispatch twenty-five thousand Marines to the Dominican Republic to avert a communist takeover. and not long afterward Johnson followed up by sending in the FBI.
Wedge - Mark Riebling p.227
more on Dominican Republic1965 the 1964 election the CIA spent twice as much per Chilean voter to block Allende as the total spent per voter by both parties in the U.S. elections of the same year.
Deterring Democracy - Noam Chomsky p.395
more on Chile1970
Phoenix program begun
Apparently without informing the White House, the FBI initiated electronic surveillance at the Democratic National Convention in August.[1964]...Dr. King was tapped.
J. Edgar Hoover : The Man and the Secrets - Curt Gentry
On November 21...the FBI mailed an anonymous letter and a tape of the King hotel-room bugs to King and his wife, Coretta.
William Sullivan said in an interview that he had, on orders from Hoover, arranged to have a tape mailed to Mrs. King. He said he received the order from Hoover's assistant, Alan H. Belmont
The American Police State - David Wise p.306
more on civil rights1965
Sullivan letter to M.L.K.
there's an article on the FBI investigation of MLK and others Federal Bureau of Intimidation by Howard Zinn at CovertAction Quarterly
...FBI documents not previously available revealed an intimate and furtive relationship between Ford and the FBI. The documents show Ford fed top-secret information to the FBI while he was a member of the Warren Commission.
p.43 Plausible Denial - Mark Lane
secret history 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995